Education Projects
Madison School District
Multiple Projects

Madison, Wisconsin
Madison Metro School District

Kennedy Elementary Addition | 2022
Boiler Replacement; Zimmerman Architects
Frank Allis Elementary Renovation | 2019
Two elevators, accessibility ramps and a renovated main office with a secure entrance at Frank Allis Elementary School; Plunkett Raysich Architects
Shorewood Elementary Addition | 2019
A new ramp to the entrance and two elevators at Shorewood Elementary School; Plunkett Raysich Architects
East High School Auditorium Renovation | 2018
The nearly $5 million project expanded and radically improved the space, with added or improved features including enhanced lighting, far superior acoustics, a new orchestra pit with a cover, better dressing rooms and storage, and the addition of a 136-seat balcony. The renovated theater added about 100 additional seats; Plunkett Raysich Architects
Allis Elementary LMC Renovation| 2017
Replacement of 26 year old carpet along with the abatement of asbestos flooring located beneath the old carpet; Plunkett Raysich Architects
Franklin Elementary Renovation | 2017
Two elevators and a remodeled main office with a secure entrance at Franklin Elementary School; Plunkett Raysich Architects
Lakeview Elementary Renovation
An elevator, a remodeled secure entrance (including new doors, buzzers and cameras) and a remodeled bathroom suite for students at Lakeview Elementary School